Space Station Design Workshop

International & multidisciplinary.

SSDW Objectives

A one-week international and multidisciplinary workshop for students and young professionals.

Starting in 1996 the student workshops with international participation were held at our home campus at the Institute of Space Syste (IRS), of the University of Stuttgart, Germany, as well as the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, “Ecole National Supérieure d’Aéronautique et de l’Espace” (Supaero) in Toulouse, France, at the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg, France and at the University of Sydney, Australia. This year (2024), for the first time, the SSDW will be co-organized by the IRS and the Professorship for Human Spaceflight Technology (HSP), of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. It will take place at the TUM Aerospace Campus in Ottobrunn, Germany.

These workshops have the primary objectives of giving the participating students the opportunity

  • to learn and practice systems engineering and design on a space related subject,
  • to directly apply the knowledge acquired during the space station lectures and related lecture series, and
  • to participate in an international and multidisciplinary team-based design project.

As a consequence, the participants should not only be knowledgeable about space stations and human space exploration in general, but they are also expected to fully commit themselves to their tasks during the workshop, in order to play a valuable role in their respective design teams. Another important factor for the success of an integrated SSDW design team is that all members are open-minded towards other cultures and personalities. Social competence becomes as important as a good knowledge of technical issues.

Details on the applications for the SSDW 2025 will be announced in February.




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SSDW Poster 2024 Extended Deadline